Monday, April 27, 2009

Wash & Watch

Yestday evening I went to District C to take a shower. A teacher of Chu surnamed Zhao was at our dom searching materials for his paper when I got back. He is studying for a degree on Mathematics.
After the shower, I began to work on the website. A little tired after a whole day's work on it, I washed my clothes and stockings. That time the teacher had gone back. I started the KMPlayer and watched Fringe S01E17. I missed parts of this episode for I had to pour the water and get new water. I like washing while watching,or rather watching while washing, especially when there is only me in the dom, for in that case I can turn on the louder of the notepad, disturbing no one else.
In this episode, a man who can effect people around him deeply and can even make people kill themselves while he wants to commit suicide. He has some kinda relationship with Olivia for she sees she does the same thing in her dream. Finally Olivia saved him and many other people including a policeman by shooting the guy.
Old doctor Bishop remembers something and begins to search in his magic box, to find a tape which records he and maybe William talking with little Olivia after a experiment on her.
I have said that the old Bishop near did all the fringe things before he was sent to mental hospital after his assistant was burned to death in an experiment accident.
How can one or two accomplish so many most advanced researches including time travel machine, making a monster out of many genes, etc. Maybe he is living in a time when technoloy is more and more and more advanced than now. Or my horizon is not big enough.
After the episode, I had finished my washing and I went on working on the website.

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