Monday, April 13, 2009

Harpers Island 1x1--A fair tale, a Pandora

A couple go to Harpers Island to hold their wedding, where all begin after a big murder 7 years ago. The story throws too many suspenses.
I like the forthright character of Abby Mills, dislike Henry Dunn, the groom, who is going to marry Trish but in my view, accompanies more with Abby. The groom should behave himself.
Who is the killer? Maybe a kill group. I have once doubted Marty Dunn for he takes a gun with him.But he is ephemeral,lost lower half of his body and dead after stuck in the wooden bridge. Who would be then? The killer has probably something with the Thomas Wellington, who do not want his daughter to marry Henry but still hold the wedding. What a hypocrite. He maybe just too love his daughter. Maybe not,because that is such a common plot I can figure out. How boring if it turns out that the father hires somebody to stop his daughter's wedding. There must be a big conspiracy, or the TV series will be ephemeral.

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