Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Learning English by Reading Prison Break

Actually I have been watching Prison Break until now from it first airs. I love this series. Now I find a book which talks about wonderful snippets. I will review this show by reading this book, remembering what I have watched of this TV series. Watching brilliant Prison Break Learning typical American English.
Now let's begin the Pilot.
What is the pilot? A TV pilot is one who operates or is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight. It can be described as the first episode.A television pilot is a test episode of an intended TV series. I think that there is a good mechanism in American TV series, in that it always values its show. If there is little watching,it is out.
Here in PB, Michael is tattooed all over his body. He designed the picture for himself, containing the blue print of the Fox River prison and his plan after his prison breaking. The tattoo artist Sid is so surprised, puzzled and attracted by her work that she wants to have a good look at it. Tattooing has been practiced worldwide. One is not surprised on seeing a young man tattooing, for it is common among young people.

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