Monday, April 27, 2009

Mood won't lie.

Last Saturday some guy phoned me offering me a parttime job,doing a website.What inspires me is that art design is done and what I need to do is to code. I like coding job with C#. I have done plenty of projects with C# using Visual Studio,big and small, web and winform.
The price is reasonable but time is urgent. The client wants to see the site next Monday, that is today.(:. But the truth is that the needs are not clear,the db is not built and even the index page is not good enough. That afternoon I had dinner with my girl and we watched the Lie to Me together. We both like this series very much, which can teach us some techniques and the stories are interesting. But at that moment I was not in the mood for enjoying it. The job made me a little anxious, about tomorrow's work, about how to begin it and how to talk with the manager about the salary for I am in need of money to settle my credit card.
I did not catch the meaning of this episode very much. The main story is so readily
changeable, involving so many characters. The author must have a hard work on Cal's love stories. The story of the leading actor is so splendid. It is rare case that Cal's wife (or ex-wife) ask for a hand from him.
After all it is Lie to Me S01E10 I sat through with unquiet mind thinking of work next day.

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