Friday, April 24, 2009

A Meal

Yesterday evening we had a meal in Home Dinner of West Sea, "Xi Hai Jia Yan" for Zhao's coming back to trasfer some documents for his changing a job. I drank about a cup less than a bottle of beer, which first made me uncomfortable when going back to Office. We talked about his ex-job, the job he would do the following days. I assured him that whatever he wants me to do, he just calls. Then he went to Ma's dom to have a sleep. Zheng, Wang, etc went to gym to play badminton. Yuan is still working on LabVIEW to prepare for his next-day presentation.
I went to dom and washed my feet. Then I climbed onto my bed to sleep. Sleeping is a good way for me to be unaware of the pain the wine or beer pushes me. The worst thing is that I wake up midnight, feeling my head is so painful that it wants to fall apart. I turned round and round in bed,hoping to find a way for me easier to fall asleep. After a hour's struggle, I finally made it.
This morning I got up early,only a little headache left.

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