Sunday, May 10, 2009

Much more Fun

There is much more fun now in nowdays Tv series. In Prison Break 20, Michael is pushed to corner by General and his mother. General will exchange Sylla with Sara, and his mother captures Lincoln and shoots him, waiting for Michael to save him. That really inspires me just as Series 1 and 2. I find the feeling again, eagely waiting for next episode to come. In Lost 15, the big chaos is beginning to happan, frequently changing from now to past,and to now and to past. John seems to know everything, he can give himself instructions and he even wants to kill the Jacorb. I cannot wait to see what come next. In Lie to Me 12, Cal deal with a guy who is very smart. A copycat case. We can see that Cal is smarter than him, and finally finds the copier. Cal enrolls a clever policeman who correctly finds the place.
In Harpers Island 5, Trish's father is killed before everybody's eyes. And a new guy comes out whose dog is killed and who might be blame to some murder.
In Dollhouse 11, Echo is imprinted by Alpha and they go out.

There must be wonderful sences following in those series.

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