Saturday, March 28, 2009

Remote Wipe

Dollhouse S01E04 mainly describes a story of Echo as Jaffy, a handsome thief, who will break into the treasuer house of a hotel. Everything seems fine and goes on just as Jaffy plans. But after the professor finds the antique,he wants to sell it to another client who offers twice the price. Boyd comes and put the kibosh on the professor's plan.
Here in the secret house,Echo is remotely wiped.She becomes as clear as a dew.She is treated oppositely by the two guys. The kind guy who monitors the hotel guard answers Echo's questions patiently and talks with her about art.After all, a new born baby will definitely be interested in art, especially when in a paradise of art.
The impatient guy whose job I don't know is about in the team,maybe some physical job I guess, is very angry at Echo's change and treates her badly,even worse after he fails to recover her momery and of course her ability to get them out of the hell place. Athough Echo know nothing about herself and things outside, she really knows who treats her well. Finally she saves the kind guy and leave the bad guy behind. One is born kind, I always believe.
Who does this to Echo? I think it is Alpha, as this episode goes on I find out that Topher and Dewitt agree with me thinking that Alpha is out there doing something against Dollhouse.
An interesting thing is how Dollhouse recuits. They catch someone and wipe his mind and imprint him and use him. Very convenient and money-saving.

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