Monday, March 23, 2009

Guess of this evening meeting?

This morning Liu told us that there would be a meeting this evening,and told Wang and Lin to inform the others who were not present at that moment. Later,I found that it would be a staff meeting.
I think that Jia will conduct this meeting and he will talk to us,Wang,Liu and Lu will say something,too, at the meeting.
The contents of this meeting should be as follows,in my wildest guess:
1.Summing last year's work,by Jia or Wang; maybe after every doctor sums the work of his team.
2.Something about present and future work; maybe after every doctor talks about his team's plan.
3.Speaking something about himself,including how busy he always is,how desire he wants to do research and discuss with us and instruct us.
4.Welcome the new postgraduate,maybe this will be at the very first.
5.Speaking of someone who is going to graduate.
6.Speaking of what kind of paper we will work on.
7.Summing the ones who have graduated and their current conditions.
8.Speaking of the big projects we are working on and some projects we are potentially going to work on.
9.Speaking of a book we will write and edit and publish.
10.Maybe some outdoor activity we will take, as a union.

The meeting draws close as I guess this and as every thing I do now.
I'd like to know which items will appear at the meeting and what is not on the list.

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