Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It is my duty today.

It is my duty today. What a familiar expression. It recalls me of my first classes of English learning. The teacher is responsible and has a good head for business. She tells us to write Abc in a notepad and brings it with us wherever we go, following by her advertisment of selling such notepad. Of course, nearly all of us buy the notepad, because we want to learn English well and because she would list the names who have bought. Then she would urge the rest to buy. How smart!
It is my duty today. I get up as usual at 7 o'clock. After about a quarter's walk, I get to my office, and I go to fill the thermo bottle with boiled water next door. After emptying the trash, I begin to mop.Huh-uh,HOW boring to describe it here,but it is my every week work on Wednesday. I like to do my job.

Lost--how to begin?

I have been following LOST up to the latest episode S05E10. The island is full of mystery.It is interesting.There are so many stories I want to comment here,but too many for me to choose where to begin. And there are so many puzzles I can not figure out recently.
I will make this as a beginning where I set about on the series.

Monday, March 30, 2009


The most talked about in this episode,Dollhouse S01E06 is fantasy. People just need it.People who have more money than needed will pay for a doll to make their fantasy come true,although for a day or for a little while.
Echo is made to be Rebecca, a rich man's wife who dies the day her husband Myner gets really well off and shows her the new house Myner has bought them to give her a surpise. On this day of every year Myner will rent a doll to play house,to make the surpise real.In the end,we see the happiness on Rebecca's face on hearing the good news.
An interesting scene is where Echo and Paul Ballard meet face to face for the first time and they fight wildly. Ballard is on the case of looking for Dollhouse,especially for Caroline.Maybe he really has some fantasy on her.Finally Echo wins and tells Ballard that Dollhouse is real and there is someone inside.
Who is the spy? I think it is Topher's assistant whom Topher always make fetch something to eat.
And what is the ultimate purpose of Dollhouse? Only wait and see.
Hearn is the most loathsome person,he deserves his death.
Boyd is very righteous and responsible and he deserves his reward of the money for smartly finding out the wrecker.
I always think that Mellie is a comman neighbour to Ballard,there must be some reason.I have thought maybe she is Alpha,but she is not.After doing some homework,I find that Alpha is a man.Mellie is an active whose active state is sleeping.She can be wake up though the phone by some password and can be made sleep again by similar password and forget what she does in her active state. This makes the story very telling.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


As time goes on, I find that my words of an article becomes more than before.Of course I talk about the trend.I am happy that I can write what I think of a movie or an episode of a TV series. I will keep this going on and on.

Remote Wipe

Dollhouse S01E04 mainly describes a story of Echo as Jaffy, a handsome thief, who will break into the treasuer house of a hotel. Everything seems fine and goes on just as Jaffy plans. But after the professor finds the antique,he wants to sell it to another client who offers twice the price. Boyd comes and put the kibosh on the professor's plan.
Here in the secret house,Echo is remotely wiped.She becomes as clear as a dew.She is treated oppositely by the two guys. The kind guy who monitors the hotel guard answers Echo's questions patiently and talks with her about art.After all, a new born baby will definitely be interested in art, especially when in a paradise of art.
The impatient guy whose job I don't know is about in the team,maybe some physical job I guess, is very angry at Echo's change and treates her badly,even worse after he fails to recover her momery and of course her ability to get them out of the hell place. Athough Echo know nothing about herself and things outside, she really knows who treats her well. Finally she saves the kind guy and leave the bad guy behind. One is born kind, I always believe.
Who does this to Echo? I think it is Alpha, as this episode goes on I find out that Topher and Dewitt agree with me thinking that Alpha is out there doing something against Dollhouse.
An interesting thing is how Dollhouse recuits. They catch someone and wipe his mind and imprint him and use him. Very convenient and money-saving.

Friday, March 27, 2009

She is people, a woman.

Dollhouse S01E03 releases an episode where Echo is not a doll,she becomes a real people.She is out of others' control,she thinks and does something not imprinted.
She is evolving,in my guess, and she may be remembering every imprint and her momery may not be cleared away. She is a miracle which gives her handler Boyd and their doctor and ever her boss Dewitt hope, hope to fight against Alpha, a big threat once running away from Dollhouse,and something else. After all, the boss is excited to find Echo's such ability.
In th final, Echo and Sierra are looking at each other knowingly while walking across.Echo winks at Serra not to approach her as a friend but just to walk on as a stranger.
The story of Echo with Jayna itself is good,but what most impresses me is that Echo is not a doll that can be completely controlled. That makes this article.


I don't know why I write this title there without any content! I am just arranging my posts and I find it. I cannot think up anything related to the word "Still". Maybe I wanted to write something about my emotion or something about an episode,and something or somebody interrupted me, leaving it autosaved. It is interesting to arrange. One can find out something he is looking for for quite a long time. One needs to always arrange his things: his thoughts,his success and his failure. Thinking over about trifling things may give him inspiration. Memory is wealth.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Cyprus King Pygmalion is good at carving. He makes a female figure of ivory with all his passion and hope. The girl is brought to life for him by Aphrodite.
Expectations have great affect on man and his behave.One can develop quite well if he is sincerely expected.
Baby,you always lays your hope on me and give me as much courage for me to overcome any difficulty.You praise me for trifle things I do. You trust me, making me confident. I will do my best to have you live a happy life.

Pro.Jia is couraging me,too. He believes that I can make a difference. So I think I will write an English paper to do him/me a favor and just make a difference.

Monday, March 23, 2009

It snows now.

This morning I got out of my dorm building and found that it was snowing. I would not believe it when Xiu told us that it would snow tomorrow. It realy snows. I like snow.Big snow always makes me excited.

Office, a public office.

In the meeting, I finally know that we are working in an office. We are not student anymore ,instead,we are postgraduate ,are research student.
I have always been wondering what will be called of the place where we read, we surf on line to search information,we write; a place of half-privacy. It is an office where we must finish our work,our project,during which we must go to the lab to validate our ideas and make something out of our ideas.

Guess of this evening meeting?

This morning Liu told us that there would be a meeting this evening,and told Wang and Lin to inform the others who were not present at that moment. Later,I found that it would be a staff meeting.
I think that Jia will conduct this meeting and he will talk to us,Wang,Liu and Lu will say something,too, at the meeting.
The contents of this meeting should be as follows,in my wildest guess:
1.Summing last year's work,by Jia or Wang; maybe after every doctor sums the work of his team.
2.Something about present and future work; maybe after every doctor talks about his team's plan.
3.Speaking something about himself,including how busy he always is,how desire he wants to do research and discuss with us and instruct us.
4.Welcome the new postgraduate,maybe this will be at the very first.
5.Speaking of someone who is going to graduate.
6.Speaking of what kind of paper we will work on.
7.Summing the ones who have graduated and their current conditions.
8.Speaking of the big projects we are working on and some projects we are potentially going to work on.
9.Speaking of a book we will write and edit and publish.
10.Maybe some outdoor activity we will take, as a union.

The meeting draws close as I guess this and as every thing I do now.
I'd like to know which items will appear at the meeting and what is not on the list.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

An interesting thing!

His phone will ring if he goes out leaving his phone behind. That almost happens to everyone. The rest of us will smile at this interesting moment,tacitly.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A new Job.

Today,that is the day after her journey from NM, She gets an offer from a company where her ever co-worker Wang works. Of cource, Wang introduced Her.
Do purchase work with Wang for a trial period of 3 months.
Wages are low but She is happy to change a job and enter a different profession.
I am happy too to know that she gets a new environment.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pick QQ up.

Soon I will go to the airport to pick QQ up, who has finished a trip about 10 days, including in the capital for about a week and a wedding for 3 days.
I am expecting and very happy.

Footprint will be here.

Hopefully every day I can find time and something interesting or memorable enough to write here.
Persistence is important.
To Take the initiative is important.

A big event emerges quietly.

Every body notices and no body takes it seriously that there were something in one of our labs.And this something must cost a lot,otherwise Wang would not take our keys to rooms other than my lab away. He asked who owns a key. He would point someone to keep the keys.

One day this week or last week, Senior Wang talked with Du about something missing in their lab.Then they began to find them,but with no result.They had to tell Liu,then Wang knew. He began to do something, to keep the equipment closely.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My favorite softwares!

Aim:Always find the most suitable and useful software.
Index Source:0day
Software source:hit

1.Desktop: Wallpaper Calendar
2.Unistaller: Your uninstaller
3.Print Screen:FastStone Capture
4.C++ Develop:Visual C++6.0 & Visual assistX
5.Text Edit: Editplus
6.Dictionary:kingsoft & babylon & Lingoes & Erwin
9.Video Player:KMPlayer
11.Pdf:Adobe acrobat Pro
12.Chat:QQ & MSN
13.Ftp Client:ftprush
14.Virtual Driver:Deamon
15.Java develop: Eclipse
16.Database: Sql Server 2000

To be continued.Always maintain.

Hello world!

This is my first actual blog. It indictes that I finally come into blog world, a wonderful world. I'm quite excited.