Sunday, May 10, 2009

Much more Fun

There is much more fun now in nowdays Tv series. In Prison Break 20, Michael is pushed to corner by General and his mother. General will exchange Sylla with Sara, and his mother captures Lincoln and shoots him, waiting for Michael to save him. That really inspires me just as Series 1 and 2. I find the feeling again, eagely waiting for next episode to come. In Lost 15, the big chaos is beginning to happan, frequently changing from now to past,and to now and to past. John seems to know everything, he can give himself instructions and he even wants to kill the Jacorb. I cannot wait to see what come next. In Lie to Me 12, Cal deal with a guy who is very smart. A copycat case. We can see that Cal is smarter than him, and finally finds the copier. Cal enrolls a clever policeman who correctly finds the place.
In Harpers Island 5, Trish's father is killed before everybody's eyes. And a new guy comes out whose dog is killed and who might be blame to some murder.
In Dollhouse 11, Echo is imprinted by Alpha and they go out.

There must be wonderful sences following in those series.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dollhouse is found.

Paul follows Mille and finally finds where Dollhouse is, a big building, where all the dolls are created and made and all tasks are given.
Echo is sent to tell a story to some kids, and a girl is angry by the story. She breaks the book. Echo talks with her as a psychologist.
It seems that there always be an eye watching Paul wherere he goes to a good place. Lucky for Paul, he finds the guy who designed the building.

Topher is shot by Paul with a powerful electric gun.

Glad to see Echo remember something about Paul and Boyd. Echo still trust Boyd as before, what a good thing.
Alpha finally comes out. He makes good use of Paul, getting into the dollhouse, inprinting Echo as what he wants. They go out.

This is Dollhouse 1.11.

Harpers Island 1x4--Money is source of devil

Some weird elements are introduced in this episode of Harpers Island S01E04, the abnormal girl, the witch.
The money has come up several times, every time it shows up, a guy will be killed who has seen it or wants to hold it. It is true that money is the source of devil.
Henry's reaction to the money did not disappoint me.

I am glad to see that Jimmy is such a good guy. Abby goes to him to get help.

Without subscript I cannot fully catch the meaning, but I think I can get used to it.

Timer Tool

I do not know how to name our work, a tool for timing every runner in marathon games. Wu works on hardware and he has done lots of work. I do program,to connect his hardware with computer to show the result, to calculate who gets the first,and the second,etc. But time is so urgent that our work could not make it when this Dalian International Marathon games come at April 26. Today Wu told me to sort this notepad and he would hand it in this weekend. This is the computer I have been working with. I take it here and where. I program, I read files, I watch TVs and movies, I chat with friends and I blog through this notepad.
This is bought specially for the Timer Tool, we test our equipment with it. When it first comes to me, I am excited to see this Thinkpad, Lenovo SL500. I find a very beautiful desktop picuture for it. Everyone is amazed by her beauty.
I will miss it.

CPU: Genuine Intel(R) CPU T1600@1.66GHz,1.66GHz
Harddrive: 160G

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Eclipse is a fantastic tool for developing Java. It is cute and pretty. It is free and source-open. After all, it is powerful.
MyEclipse gives Eclipse nearly everything developer needs to develop well. But there are some functions we do not need, which makes it very big and a little fat. There are some funtions which are not easy to understand.
Now I will install MyEclipse which includes Eclipse as its plug-in. I find that it contains Tomcat in its 7.0 Edition, quite to my surprise.
At that time I was telling Wu some tips about using Eclipse to develop jsp web application. I do not want to install Apache Tomcat on this computer, which would slow down the computer. MyEclipse with Tomcat gave me the chance to show him simple jsp program.

sql server 安装挂起的解决方法。

在运行窗口输入regedit,打开注册表编辑器,选择HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SYSTEM->ControlSet001->Control->Session Manager,找到PendingFileRenameOperations,删除该键值(该键值是安装程序暂挂项目,只要找到对应的应用程序清除掉就行了),
关闭注册表编辑器。重新安装SQL Server 2000即可。
If it does not work, restart!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy with Tears

In the recent one Prison Break S04E18, it shows that Sarah is pregnant. She must feel quite complicated about this condition. Good news is that she and Michael will have a baby, the bad is their current condition, running away from a powerful company, fighting hard for freedom.
The group united by Lincoln does not disappoint me, he not shot dead.
Glad to see that Michael solve the puzzle ahead of Lincoln group and that Lincoln group save Michael.
It is not an easy task for man to change his character. T-bag phoned the General and sold Lincoln. What misery is waiting for this bad T-bag.

Michael's mother is smart, but she has underestimate his sons.